All Vietnamese, Asian and Steak Restaurants with Delivery & Takeout near Pearl District, Nob Hill, Old Town-Chinatown, Slabtown and Northwest Portland

Butterfly Belly Asian Cuisine

Though they're most proud of their bone broth beef pho—their bone broth is cooked for 48-hours to get all that delicious flavor—Butterfly Belly is also an unde…
323 NW Park Ave
Pearl District

RingSide Steakhouse

Duck off Burnside through a nondescript door and suddenly you're in a different world—the bar at the RingSide, your very own intimate, but casual den. Of cours…
2165 W Burnside
Northwest Portland
413 NW 21st
Northwest Portland

Bamboo Sushi

Bamboo Sushi is the first certified, sustainable sushi restaurant in the world. Daily, we are dedicated to bringing you the freshest fish, meats, and produce w…
836 NW 23rd
Northwest Portland
1524 NW 23rd Ave
Northwest Portland
2175 NW Raleigh St Suite 105

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