Recommended Pub Grub, Small Plates and Ethiopian/Eritrean/Moroccan Restaurants near Goose Hollow, Multnomah, Southwest Portland and West End

Virginia Cafe

A steady, reliable stalwart that's been around for almost a century, the well-loved, well-trafficked VC is within easy walking distance of the Schnitz, the Kel…
820 SW 10th Ave.
Southwest Portland


Valentine's is like going down to your cool friend's basement, where he's set up his own little bar. "Check this out!" he says. "It's ginger bourbon! Yeah? Try…
232 SW Ankeny
Southwest Portland


A standout in an area of downtown where you can literally stumble out of one bar, directly into another. Dimly lit, loungey and uber-hip, without being pretent…
15 SW 2nd Ave.
Southwest Portland

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