Apocalypse Now Final Cut


For as much shit as George Lucas gets for forever fiddling with his classics, his old friend Francis Ford Coppola has been doing the same damn thing for even longer, and 40 years after it first came out, Coppola offers up his latest whack at the Vietnam epic that almost killed him, Apocalypse Now. What's the difference between this cut and the two (or three, I've lost count) that preceded it? Shit, Coppola probably couldn't tell you either at this point. It also doesn't really matter—no matter what the cut is, it's guaranteed to look amazing and sound even better, and no matter how good your home theater might be, Apocalypse Now was meant to be experienced as large and as loud as possible. Go.

by Bobby Roberts
Showtimes & Tickets


Francis Ford Coppola
Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall, Marlon Brando

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